Durham County Council work with Valuing Care to complete their Domiciliary Fair Cost of Care Exercise
In early 2022, Durham County Council contacted Valuing Care to discuss project support capacity in completing their Fair Cost of Care requirements for the DHSC.
- Understanding the current cost structure through surveying the market
- Managing the data collection process
- Checking provider templates for accuracy and consistency
- Creation of Valuing Care model benchmark rates to match the geographical area
- Final reporting and data loading
All of the data collected used the LGA toolkit so that a common approach could be taken regionally on reporting and data recording.
The survey collection is well underway with report writing due to start in June 2022. Once that is completed, the final proposed model rates for 2022/23 will be recommended to the Council. The report will be completed with sufficient time for the Council to complete their market sustainability report before the October 2022 deadline.
The project will leave Durham County Council with a verified statistical sample that has been benchmarked against Valuing Care’s own internal models.
By conducting the exercise in this way, they can be reassured that their market sustainability plan captures the balance between paying providers a sustainable rate and ensuring value for money for council taxpayers.

Valuing Care will load the survey and benchmarking data onto their Commissioner software. This will enable the Council to systematically record the results and provide a platform for future years as they continue to manage and monitor a sustainable home care market.
If you are interested in knowing more about the project or Valuing Care’s Commissioner and Benchmarking software, please contact here.