Newham Council
Newham were keen to meet the requirements and were also aware that it had been some while since they had conducted a full local cost of care survey. Following discussions, Valuing Care set out a bespoke project plan that took the DHSC guidance and combined this with Newham Council’s local needs. In addition, given the timescales, they were keen to bring in a company with experience based on previously completed projects of this nature.
The cost of care project will include the following client groups:
• Older People’s Residential and Nursing Care
• Learning Disabilities Residential, both in and out of the County
• Mental Health Residential Packages, both in and out of the Borough
For each spend area, Valuing care will survey the market and produce model rates that meet the conditions set out in the DHSC guidance. With a DHSC deadline of September 2022, Newham Council will be completed well within those timescales with an estimated completion date of June 2022.
Read our full article here